´´I love touring and would like to tour around the world after I finish college and before I begin grad school. However, before taking on the world, I would first like to tour across the US this summer…Can you guys give me some tips on planning?´´ Thanks Melissa Tallis
Category: WOW Women On Wheels
´´I used to solo tour and lead bike tours back in the 70´s. I just started to get back into biking. When I turned 60 I did a solo bike tour of Taiwan´´ Rosie
Janice Small
´´I am a 66 year old lady who started cycling touring when I retired at 60. I loved the challenge, adventure, achievement and different cultures. I love being out of my comfort zone, living with strangers and camping. My touring days started and haven’t finished´´ Janice Small´s tours include England, India, Nepal and India
Ester Mackinnon
´´I love travelling solo but welcome cycling a few days here and there with others if I might meet another cyclist but I have only met one other solo woman and she was travelling in the opposite direction. For me, though, the freedom and experiences of being alone are where the magic lies! ´´ Ester Mackinnon
Dorothee Fleck
Around the world twice with no plans on stopping! I enjoyed meeting Dorothee on the road in Argentina on her second bicycle tour around the world. She is a motivational speaker in Germany while at home between bicycle tours. (german website) Dorothee Fleck
Jelena Sosa
´´I love cycling! The soothing rhythm of the pedals, a fresh breeze in my face, the ground beneath, the sky above and the ´´now´´. It has taken me from my hometown of Zadar, Croatia to the very south of Iran. I am proud to be a WOW (women on wheels)! ´´ Jelena Sosa
On a 6 week Holiday in Argentina! Mati lives in Spain but is from France. When we met, after saying hello in half a dozen languages, Mati and I had a ridiculously funny chat about flirtatious men. We spoke half Spanish, half French and half travelers’ gestures. Some conversations between women despite language barriers are truly international!
Leina Neimand
I met South African Leina Neimand through the WOW facebook page. Leina has been on the road 6 years and reports through her blog that she is still loving it. Her world route is impressive covering 7 continents, 58countries and 102,230 kilometres.
Australian Kat
Free camping fear? When I met Australian Kat cycling in Argentina, she was a bit worried about free camping, not that it stopped her much. She had planned the trip with her partner. After her 4 ½ yrs. relationship ended, Kat persevered solo and crossed the South American continent on her own. Kat said “free camping did get easier…the winning combination was listening to my gut, but also facing my fears, and most of all, working out the difference between those two, because an ‘instinctual feeling’ and ‘irrational fear’ can be difficult to distinguish sometimes’’
Amanda Krugers
Amanda´s Krugers email put a huge smile on my face. Amanda is cycling right on South Africa, she asked me ´´if I was having as much as she was?´´ Check out her crazy guy journal full of fun inspiring stories!